Saturday, July 5, 2008

...or use my arrogance as a steam to power my dreams

" Being black, the right kind of black, was difficult. it was like being in a cult-a secret society with rules as fluid as waves..."

stop. and think.

cause frankly I'm done with bring told I'm not black, or not black enough. Is my skin not brown? And damn, let's be real we all know my nose is type wide. Is black not suppose to be proper? What defines "black" cause last time I checked black was a color and um...we're different shades.

stop. reflect.

why is this coming from our own race? I mean damn aren't we suppose to be helping build each other up?
I'm not saying all black all the time cause lord knows I love me white and asian and spanish friends to death! but let's not tear each other down. ok?

yess people the job hunt still continues....

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